Website Disclaimer

SACAR Development Consultancy (cc) is not responsible for the accuracy, truth or reliability of any product, information, opinions, representations, warranties, advice or other material provided by any Web site participating in our directory.

Privacy Policy

SACAR Development Consultancy (cc) shall provide links to third-party Web sites as a service to our users. Please be aware that we cannot control and are not responsible for the information collection practices of such third-party Web sites-policies that may differ from those of this Site. We encourage you to review and understand the privacy policies of these other Web sites before providing any information to them.

Children (Minor)

It is the responsibility of a guardian/s or parent/s to ensure that a child/children or minor/s is or are monitored while using the World Wide Web. Even though we shall exercise due care to protect their privacy and will not knowingly authorized advertisement/s which if promoted to a minor may be considered to be immoral, unsuitable, inappropriate or illegal. Therefore, we strongly advise that parental authorization be given before any action is taken by a minor in response to direct marketing for products or services while using this website.

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The contents of this site are copyrighted by us for our use exclusively on this site and in the manner displayed. The contents may also include the trademarks, designs or other works of advertisers, traders or other third party. You may not reproduce in any form what so ever, create a miniature of, store on any retrieval system accessible to a third party, the content of this website or the proprietary rights of any third party. Written permission must be given by SACAR Development Consultancy (cc) or the relevant party for the reproduction of the content of this website or any material, graphic or design posted on the site.